Classic Tacos


The most delicious, almost very healthy, messy comfort food ever.



12 Taco Shells

roughly 400g Chicken Breast

Smoked Paprika Powder

Salt & Pepper


1 ripe Tomato

1/3 Cucumber

1 small Red Onion

1 handfull of fresh Parsley

1 long sweet Red Pepper

1 tbsp Chili sauce

Fresh Garlic Sauce

Get some good quality taco shells, preferably with no more than two ingredients. Prepare them according to the package.

Chop the chicken into small cubes and fry with a generous amount of paprika powder and some salt and black pepper until cooked through. Place in the first bowl.

In the second bowl add the tomato, cucumber, red onion, long sweet red pepper and parsley, all finely diced. Add the chili sauce (feel free to add more if you feel so inclined) and a pinch of salt and stir to combine.

Fill the third bowl with small lettuce leaves (see which kind has most conveniently sized leaves without compromising too much on the bite).

For the garlic sauce; if you live in The Netherlands, the ‘fresh’ one from the Jumbo is the tastiest. If not, you’ll just have to figure it out through trial and error, but this is the crucial component that binds everything together.

Place everything on the center of the table and let everyone figure out their own most effective way of layering the ingredients into the taco shells.

Serve with napkins as you will make a mess (and thoroughly enjoy it).

MainsNaomi Hasegawa