The Perfect Duck Leg

Duck isn’t something that’s very common where I grew up, so anytime I’d be in say, Paris, I would marvel at this rich piece of meat. If cooked well, a delicacy and joy to the senses. If gone wrong, tough and dry. So although I have experimented thoroughly with this simple recipe, I would advise to try cooking for yourself at least once before serving it to guests or at a special occasion! The size of the leg and the strength of your oven are all variable and it is necessary to understand what raw material we’re working with.



One duck leg per person
2 sprigs of Rosemary


Take the duck out of the fridge for 20 minutes to an hour before cooking. Pat dry with paper towels. With a clean needle, carefully make pricks all over the skin part: do not prick as far that you pierce the flesh, you want to prick through the skin so that the fat has an escape route and will gently pour over the duckleg during cooking and ensure a crispy skin.

Salt generously and place in a small oven dish on top of two sprigs of rosemary. Place legs close together but without overlap. Flesh side down, skin side up.

Turn on the oven at 150 degrees Celcius and immediately place in the duck, without preheating it. Cook for three hours.

To finish it turn up the heat to 190 degrees Celcius and let the skin crisp for about 15 minutes (keep an eye on it).

Once it’s golden and crispy, remove from oven and cover dish with aluminium foil to rest for 10 minutes. Serve.

Remember to strain the duckfat and keep it in an airtight jar in the fridge - Duckfat lends a rich depth to any meal and is easily used for say some Crispy Duckfat Potatoes.

Naomi Hasegawa