The Mindset you want to Evoke


What do you need more of

I think for most of us, what we want from a home on a basic level, is comfort and safety. This is a very normal need. Aside from that though, it is good to ask yourself if there may be anything else you could use.

Do you have a very demanding job and have trouble letting work go when it is time to rest and recover? Then you may benefit from some tranquility and introversion. A decluttered space with cosy lights and a scented candle may help you get into that restful mode quicker. Or perhaps a comfortable couch and a stack of your favourite books on the coffee table will invite you to think of something else for a while.

Are you a very extroverted and social person? You may want to make your space easily adaptable to guests and little house parties. Making sure that the place is relatively neat at all times and that private things are stored out of sight, as well as a little bar cart and a nice sound system may be warranted.

Have you been wanting to exercise more? You’ll want to make sure that there’s always enough space to do so as well as have your equipment in a visible place so you keep being reminded of it.

Are you working from home? A clutter-free room with a comfortable chair and clean desk are paramount, but so may be a pair of noise-cancelling headphones and a proper french press.

Of course you may have one general, larger need for your home in general, and then different needs for every room.

A habit by Design

Make sure though, that once you identify your needs and wishes, not to use it as an excuse to go on a shopping spree. Yes, you may need to purchase a few things that you will actually get real use out of, but mostly it’s about rearranging things in a way that invites the mindset that you want to have.
If your goal is to get fit but you have a cupboard full of junk-food, there is a mismatch, but if you instead have a fridge full of fresh vegetables, it will support you in your goal. Likewise, if you go out now and buy a set of shiny new workout tools, they won’t get much use if you haven’t already built the habit and they are hidden in the back of your closet. But if you keep them in a place where you will see them often, you will be more likely to actually pick them up.

Things vs Mindset

So instead of thinking of the things you want to have in your home, I want to invite you to first think about the mindset you want to have while you’re at home, and then decide what things would be aiding in creating an environment to evoke that mindset.

HomebuildingNaomi Hasegawa