Reevaluating Relationships


Why would I want to do that?

For a long time I didn’t even consider reevaluating my friendships and people that are close to me on a day-to-day basis. Because I had lost most my social contacts when I had gotten sick, it had become a scarcity issue, and I was just so grateful to have any friends in my life at all.

But because I didn’t question whether their lifestyle, values and mindset really matched mine, it always lead to small or serious drama’s, headaches and/or disappointment. And by the time it got to that point I was already too deeply involved emotionally to be able to gracefully step away from their issues. So instead I would bang my head against a brick wall trying to help someone who didn’t want to be helped, doesn’t believe their problems can be fixed, or doesn’t even see the problem.

The new normal

It was a problem I would run into all the time, so much so that it had become my new normal. I thought it was normal, thinking ‘everyone’s different, you can’t ask people to change, etc’, thinking that this was just something that I had to learn to live with.

Only recently have I experienced the effects of being with someone who is on the same wavelength, with a similar mindset and intelligence (practical as well as emotional). And it is such a relief. Suddenly life doesn’t seem like hard work anymore, and space opens up to grow and evolve, things flow in a way to create more opportunities and light and inspiration. Suddenly anything is possible.

So bite the bullet and look to the people that surround you. Is there a synergy that lifts everyone involved to a higher level, or do you feel tired and drained and like everything is work when you’re with them? It may be difficult but it is absolutely worth it.